Patio Materials

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What materials can I use when I plan my patio?

Patio Materials

The most important part of your patio planning is the patio itself. What will you choose for the patio material? It used to be, patios were simply cement slabs, but today, patios can be anything from brick to stone to slate to stamped or colored concrete. Whatever type of material you choose when planning your patio, make sure it can stand up to the weight of a hot tub. They can weigh over 3,000 pounds when full, so your patio will need to be durable and resistant enough to stand up to that weight. Make sure you tell your builder or contractor you're planning to put a hot tub on the patio before you start. Size matters, too. Make sure your patio is big enough to hold the hot tub with plenty of extra space around it. You'll need that when you get in and out of the tub and when you maintain it.



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