Designing a Custom Deck for Your Hot Tub

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What should I consider when I design my custom deck for my hot tub?

Designing a Custom Deck for Your Hot Tub

There are three major things to consider when you design your custom deck for your hot tub.
• First, it must be totally level and secure from sinking or shifting.
• Second, it should be sturdy enough to take the weight of a full hot tub with people in it. Hot tubs can weigh 3,000 pounds or more when they are full, and add in the weight of a group of people and that can be quite a load on a small deck. Make sure the material is strong enough to stand up to the weight.
• Finally, make sure the deck is bigger than the hot tub and accessible from all sides. You'll need to do maintenance occasionally and placing the tub on a too small or inaccessible deck makes it much more difficult and demanding.



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